The Great Reset? How about we Opt Out?

lost boy
5 min readMar 13, 2022

The sad reality of our existence as a race is that we provide all of our labour to institutions that have enslaved us in many ways. Ultimately, the fundamental structure of our society is a pyramid scheme by deliberate design.

Opt our of enslavement. Opt in to Bitcoin.

The people work hard to generate “income” in order to buy goods and services from the very organisations and institutions that they work for. The working class, even in the developed nations, essentially work for “room and board”. In developed nations room and board as adequate to ensure the lifespan of the worker. In developing nations, where there is often an abundance of supply, there is less need to keep the labour force in optimal conditions. In developed nations when workers exhaust their labour they depend on the state for life support, in poorer nations, they depend on the community.

Even these labour life support mechanisms of developed nations function to enrich the elite. Think of privately run aged care facilities or even “public” organisations that generally run on contracted private enterprise labour. Those who are lucky enough to be socioeconomically in the strata above, known as the “middle class”, have the privilege of spending most of their lives saving the excess between their output on basic needs and their income to be less reliant on the state in older age (saving for retirement) as well as make larger purchases, such as luxury vehicles or holidays, from the corporations that they work for.

The fascinating reality of the manipulation of the people’s psyche under this societal structure is that the working class is completely aware of it. Whereas the middle-class, especially those who claim to be “upper-middle”, seem to believe their existence comes from a pure meritocracy. These upper-middle class individuals are often hyper specialised which I have come to interpret as being fundamentally undereducated in most fields. They spend all of their intellectual power focusing on how to most efficiently engineer bridges or aruguing over how the function of a single protein structure functions. These believers in their own intellectual and socioeconomical superiority do not see that they simply act as the buffer between the workers and the elite. Those who own the methods of production. What is fascinating is that in less developed nations the middle-upper-middle classes are actually aware of the heirarchical strucutre and the self-reinforcing system and it this awareness that drives them to actively participate in it for fear of being relegated to a working class where labour output does not even cover room and board.

He identified the problem. But his solution created new problems.

I don’t profess to have more than a superficial understanding of Marxism. In my undergraduate political science degree we were deliberately and intensely taught to focus on the negative outcomes of the Marxists doctrine. Basically, adopt Marxism and everyone dies. However, what fascinated me when I began to read the Communist Manifest was that regardless of the flawed hierarchical structure that the “solution” ultimately led to, the problem itself was absolutely spot on. We still live in a feudal world. Where huge swathes of the productive assets of humanity is concentrated in the hands of the few. The sophistication of the systems that have been built on top of this feudal system are impressive. We even have economic celebrities that are tapped to be idols of the capitalistic system, paraded in front of the working and middle class, reinforcing the misconception of social mobility.

I would not describe myself as a cryptoanarchist because I believe that in anarchy not only do weak people die, but people with a lopsided ethical framework die. What I mean by that is good people die. Perhaps the best example of this is idol of Jon Snow. Jon Snow was the real hero of the Game of Thrones series. He was the hero of the people, he acted with integrity, without self interest. He was Christ-like almost. In reality, Jon Snow would have had his throat cut in his sleep by someone who acted with ruthless efficiency in their pursuit of their own goals. We have been trained to believe that we must play the part of Jon Snow in order to get ahead in society. However, in truth society is ruled by cutthroats. And in anarchy, this is the case and we end up with a new heirarchy which over time needs to once again learn how to bring about its own equilibrium between the use of violence against the labouring class and the extraction of its output.

However, I do believe that the current system basically empowers those who rule above to reinforce their monopoly of violence. And when these mafia and cartels (read: states) feel threatened by another gang, we die. So the more we work, the more weapons they have to use against the people of this earth. I have never met a family who believes that murdering people is needed to have a happy family life. The hard truth is we are ruled by a hierarchical structure whereby it is not merit that raises the cream to the top, but rather psychopathy.

What is the solution to this? I believe the only thing we have got at the moment, in this time where the faux nature of democracy is being unveiled, is to opt out of the system. How? Bitcoin. It may sound ridiculous, and of course there are risks, primarily due to the fact that the Masters still control the infrastructure on which the network runs. However, in the absence of absolute destruction I can see no other way to stop them building weapons to murder and enslave us with.

I write this on the morning that “Iran” fired missiles at “USA” military bases in Iraq and the “Russian” war in Ukraine rages. I hope someday soon we can stop allowing these mafioso to appropriate our collective identities. What is actually happening is one gang is trying to murder another gang. This is all beyond the people. None of this is in our name. We are one. We need to opt out of this toxic relationship with the global feudal warlords.

