For a long time I have felt that many differences between religious beliefs and those of science, in particular theoretical physics are a matter rooted in the linguistic interpretation of concepts, rather than a fundamental difference between beliefs. For example, the matter of the Holy Spirit, I would see that as relating to the Higgs Field. I found it slightly ironic that the scientific team working at CERN (the only research institute I know of with their own domain registration), gave the Higgs bosun the nickname of the God Particle. Being raised in an extended family containing equal measure PhDs and pastors, the debates were extremely enlightening. As I aged I found that both approaches seemed to be steeped in a ruthless dogma. One that closed the mind to almost all truth. Although the religion of the modern scientific method is more cunning in how its destroys rationale thought of the trained, yet immature mind. Now, at this point in my educational evolution, I am either a raging heretic or have fallen into some sort of acid-induced state of chronic mental derangement, depending on who you speak to.
The more I study ancient history, anthropology, mythology, comparative religion and other connected fields, the more it becomes obvious to me that some extremely clever manipulations of mankind have been developed over millennia on the topic of Gods and aliens (collectively: They); all roads lead to the point that they are either spirits or myths.
If you believe the higher power is a spirit, gods, or God, you must go to your local temple and pay your taxes and prostrate yourself to the man in the robe who acts for God. However, if you believe They are fictional myths, the temple has no power over you and you fall into the power of secondary religions, the near inescapable Cult of Money for example. And finally, anyone who believes in myths as non-fiction is simply marginalised from society. So you either join the cult and pay homage to the man-made institution of the spirit you worship, you worship the money that gives it its power, or you live as an outsider, no threat to the institution.
The structure of this cult of the mind with which we have built our entire civilisation is simply remarkable in its robustness. What I find particularly fascinating is how illogical it all seems to me now, to worship the cult in this way.
I am yet to properly understand why as man our programming makes it so difficult for the as yet “jailbroken” mind finds it so difficult to grasp the illogical nature of the cult.
When I try and draw some rational observations together with friends of either ilk, the scientist or the theist, I talk to them about animals and the powers they have — sensory, mental, physical etc. It really is endless the alien powers that other living beings possess on our very own planet. Powers that are truly alien to us. Then I speak to the fact that there are roughly 200,000,000,000 (200 billion) solar systems in our galaxy, and 2,000,000,000,000 (2 trillion) galaxies in our known universe, which is one of who knows how many systems in the multiverse. In our sample size of 1 single solar system we know we have life. So what is the probability of life in other solar systems given the quantum of these systems and the fact that on that 100% of our sample contains “life”? Then, given what we know about our own planet and the powers these living things posses, and then to compound this into the scale of potential life forms given the size of this universe, my conclusion is that it is, in my lay use of statistical analysis, absolutely certain for a distinct species to homo sapiens to be able to firstly interpret and secondarily to manipulate matter, perhaps even time itself, in ways our limited lizard+monkey minds cant understand, let alone measure.
The belief that we are the highest power in the universe is so irrational it is to me almost a clear form of mental malfunction. And a further irony of this is that those who believe we are the the pinnacle of creation, thus believe themselves to be God. And thus I see it that those who worship at the Temple of Science ultimately believe in the religious concept that man is made in the image of God.
What I believe, is that the worlds religions round up all those who instinctively know that a higher power and control them through rigorous doctrine of mental pacification. Whereas those who do not posses such an intuitive nature fall into the dogmatic rigors of worshiping the empty Temple of Science. The empty temple where nothing is true. The obfuscates the real truth. That the Gods are aliens. And we are made of them. And the stories of the ancient past are real. And that the origins of mankind is deliberately obfuscated to ensure total domination of the human mind. To what end? That is still unknown to me.